Friday, December 12, 2008

Thought for the walk

Have you ever tried walking with a refrain in your head? Some people even call it "walking meditation". (But don't let that put you off!)

"Come, Lord Jesus, quickly come" fits with a moderate pace. So does "Jesus Christ, the peace of the world" or "Jesus Christ, bring us peace" A Bible verse or phrase you like would work, too.

The idea is that you let other thoughts go, letting the phrase you've chosen be your focus. Just repeat it. When other ideas intrude, or you become aware that your mind has drifted, you just very gently return to the prayer phrase.

If you try it a few times, for a 10 or 15 minute walk each time, you may find that you taste a bit of the peace you pray for.

I got in 3.5 m before breakfast.

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